5 Ways to Set Meaningful Goals

Most people give up on their goals in under 180 days due to lack of a system and mindset.

To start and maintain a business, it is important that you stay focused on your overall goal by creating smaller, short term goals. Focus on the task in front of you by giving it attention and working towards the bigger target you are setting for yourself.

The SMART system has become the industry standard for outlining goals for companies:


“Growing my company” is not a specific goal. Instead, you want to ask yourself in which way do I want to grow my company? You may want to focus on website traffic, sales, email signups, etc. 


Instead of saying “increase email sign-ups” as a generalization, say “increase email sign-ups by 10%” to be able to gauge progress.


When planning your goals, look at the ability to achieve them. If email sign-ups were up 8% last month, then it is very likely that you can achieve 10% next month. Constantly making goals impossible to achieve will become discouraging and make you lose interest.


Your goal should be directly related to your business goal of success. Will more email sign-ups lead to more revenue? Do not waste time focusing on goals that will not impact the business. 


Setting a time frame on the goal helps keep you on schedule to continue moving forward. 


Basic goal: I want to grow my company.

SMART goal: Our landing pages will generate 10% more email sign-ups by switching the form from full screen pop up to a quarter screen pop up.

Let’s apply it!

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