Avoid the Business Burnout

In today’s day and age where the hustle and grind are seen as ideal, it is only a matter of time until you fall victim of the work burnout.

We hold ourselves to a high standard because we see other’s reaching these goals but what we see on social media is not always the truth.

Many small business owners have a main job, their side hustle, a family, trying to workout and stay healthy while having a social life. It is HARD.

So, 3 ways that you can avoid the small business burnout:

  1. Re-examine your timelines. Are you setting realistic goals? Work at a pace that works for you. No one says you need a new launch weekly.

  2. Create a detailed schedule. Schedule everything down to your lunch break. It sounds silly, but it helps keep you on task and avoids distractions.

  3. Ask for help. It is OK if you want to hire a virtual assistant or a social media manager. You can find great candidates on Upwork or any other freelancing website.

Remember, do not compare your journey to someone else’s. While it is very easy to do so in the world of social media, don’t think that they necessarily have their life more together than you.

You got this, go be awesome!


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