Creating Content for Your Audience

Everyone’s goal when developing content is that their audience will love it and engage with the post.

But how do we create this content that your audience absolutely loves?

You can achieve this in 3 simple steps:

  1. Create anything and everything. Grab a little bit of everything from inspirational quotes, to product shots or all angles, and even a selfie or two.

  2. Test out your content. Post it the same time of day, every day and record your engagement results. You should be able to get a very good idea of what your audience is wanting from your social media page after a week of new content.

  3. Repeat the process. You know what your audience wants so create more content similar but never stop creating new types of content and testing them out. You want a variety of content topics and ways of presenting information.

Developing your own research through trial and error will allow you to better understand your audience’s needs and create content that better serves them, leading them to like, know, and trust your business.

There is no shame in testing out new types of content and honestly, most of the time no one will even notice. There is no harm in trying so give it a go!


Using IGTV Effectively


Using Social Media for Your Business