How to Grow Your Social Media Followers

*spoiler alert* no ads will be needed

While I have said over and over that the number of followers you have on social media does not equal sales, it is still important to continue to grow your community and brand awareness.

Instagram’s purpose has evolved over time from a photo sharing app to a lifestyle and entertainment app and therefore people’s use for the app has evolved.

When a person is following an account, it is because they like the content, it is relatable, and it fits into their life in some capacity. Meaning, the way to grow your social media following is by creating content that is appealing to your followers.

The first step is to think about why people started following you.

What type of content made these people follow you? I simply keep track of the type of content I am posting and see the engagement and influx of followers I received from that post.

*Reels always have the biggest jump in followers*

The next step is to vary your content and focus on your WHY.

Followers understand that they are following a business page but that doesn’t mean they want to be sold to all the time, in every single post.

Vary your posts with some insight, personal photos, and really focus on why this is your passion to show your followers how you and your brand will fit into their lifestyle.

Customers are looking to buy into your story rather than just another product.

Finally, keep it simple.

Just because you are sharing more of a personal side does not mean that this is becoming your personal social media account. At the end of the day, it is still a business.

The photos that may be of family or pets should still be thoughtfully curated, edited, and paired with a caption that can relate back to your business.

When a prospective follower is looking at your account, you have about 5 seconds to convince them that your business is for them. They are looking at your bio and photos at a glance so make sure they speak volumes to your work.

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