Pinning a Post to Instagram

Instagram has finally added the feature to allow you to pin posts to the top of your feed. Facebook and TikTok have had this feature for a while so naturally, Instagram was also going to adopt it.

Pinning a post will allow you to choose any post, any format, and pin it to the top of your grid permanently (until you decide to unpin it). This is important for small businesses because you want to choose videos that are important for any new visitors.

Instagram allows you to choose up to three posts to pin to the top so choosing which posts and in which order does involve some strategy.

Here are some things to consider when pinning posts to your grid:

  • Rotate pinned posts over time so that long time followers do not get bored with your feed.

  • Review pinned post analytics bi-weekly to see if they are enhancing your profile views and keeping people engaged.

Here are types of posts that you want to consider pinning:

  • Introduce yourself and your WHY of the business

  • Limited time offers

  • New product/collection launch

  • Seasonal content

  • Your best performing post

  • Customer testimonials

  • Press features

  • User generated content

Give it a try and tell me what you think on Instagram!

how to pin a post to your Instagram profile


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