The Key to Instagram Bios

Your company’s Instagram bio is extremely important to attract potential customers and give them a brief look into your brand and story.

It is going to sound silly, but your Instagram bio is not really about you.


Yes, introduce who you are and what you do but make your unique perspective known. Show the customer how you can help their needs. 

Some of the worst bios have an overuse of emojis, hashtags, no bio at all, or one that is waaaaay too personal. Your bio should attract customers and prepare them for your brand's journey.

Your Instagram bio should have 4 main parts and varies if you are a personal brand or product based business.

Personal Brand:

  1. You. What are you known for? How would someone describe you professionally?

  2. Value. What are the benefits to following you? What value can you add to their lives?

  3. Your Audience. Address who will benefit from your service.

  4. Freebie. Everyone loves a good freebie and it is one way to get them to go to your website and sign up for emails. 

Product Based Business:

  1. Value. What are the benefits to following you? What value can you add to their lives?

  2. Your Audience. Address who will benefit from your product.

  3. Location. Even if you are an online business, people still want to know where their product is coming from.

  4. Update. Use the last line to either give an update on a new collection that launched or give 10% off for signing up to your email list.

If your brand has a custom hashtag that is used often, you should also put that in the bio so that customers can see a portfolio of your work.

You want to keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Good Luck!

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