Focus on Sales, Not Followers

The number of followers you have does not equal sales.

Focusing on the number of follows, likes, comments is not helpful if you are not gaining any sales from these followers. Creating a following on social media is a starting point to your company. It simply helps gain recognition and add to your authority in the field. You can, however, use this leverage to create sales.

I know it may be hard to not focus on the numbers but I promise, numbers don’t dictate the success of your business.

Your followers on social media want to see your authentic self. They want to feel connected to you and are more likely to buy from you if they trust you. Gain their trust by engaging with them and creating content that doesn’t come across as salesman-y.

There is a fine line between being authentic and oversharing. Be careful that you are sharing things you would if you met your significant other’s parents for the first time. Don’t bring the baggage.


And remember, not all followers are created equal.

Before I started posting content on my Instagram, I had 15 followers. How? Spammy robots. Be careful of who you are engaging with because they will spam you just like the car warranty people. I generally get inappropriate comments and try to delete those as quickly as possible. Ain’t got no time for that!

Most importantly, keep it professional. At the end of the day, it is a business.


The Key to Instagram Bios


Tips for Going Live