Working Smarter, Not Harder

We have all heard the saying “work smarter, not harder” right?!

Well I have some tips to creating content that may save you some time (and sanity).

  1. Repurpose your content. Just because you wrote about a topic in your Instagram post does not mean that you cannot repurpose that content. Take that content and recreate it into a reel, a story, go live to talk further in detail, or even create a blog post around it.

  2. Stagger your posts on different platforms. This one saves my life. I never post the same thing across all of my platforms on the same day. Why? Because I want people to follow me on all platforms so I have to give them varying content to keep them engaged.

  3. Talk about what you know. My go to topics: frequently asked questions, personal insights, behind the scenes, or educate them on your industry.

I’m always big on creating checklists and optimizing my time. Spending a day to prep and write out a schedule with topics will save you time in the long run.

I have a free download for 30 writing prompts to help you with caption topics that you can repurpose!


What is Social Media Management


Leveraging User-Generated Content