3 Ways to Source Inspiration

Believe it or not, the source of your inspiration is right in front of you.

You are not alone when it comes to finding inspiration to write a simple caption for your social media post. I find myself sitting here, finding any reason to move from me seat.. Laundry needs to move over? ON IT.

I find that there are 3 sources of inspiration sitting right in front of you

  1. Answer a frequently asked question. Your audience is pretty much telling you exactly what they want to hear from you.
    The answers are perfect for not only one, but multiple posts answering multiple questions.
    If you don’t have people really asking questions, look at your industry from an outsider’s perspective and think of how you can really explain what it is you do. Start with the basics and build upward.

  2. Bust a Myth. Every industry has it’s myths or misunderstandings. Face them head on and either confirm or deny those allegations. For example, I always think I know what it means when it says “gold plated” for jewelry but do I really know what it means? No. Could someone put that info out there for me? It would be helpful for sure! Put the information out there that people often misunderstand or commonly have a wrong assumption about. It will allow them to trust your business as an industry professional.

  3. Keep a running list. Honestly, there is no shame in seeing what someone else is doing. Keep a running list of the types of content you would like to create, that someone else may have already created, but you customize it for your business and personality.

Inspiration is all around you, you just have to open your eyes and find it!


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